Revolutionary War Soldiers
An ongoing project of the Ozark Mountain Chapter SAR has been locating and marking grave sites of Revolutionary War soldiers buried near Springfield, Missouri, and in the surrounding areas in Southwest Missouri. Currently we have researched and found record of 5 Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Greene County, and more than 30 soldiers total buried in the surrounding counties of Southwest Missouri. Each year we try to hold a ceremony to commemorate and mark one of these Revolutionary War graves. Click here for more information on Revolutionary War Soldiers in Southwest Missouri. Color Guard
The signature unit of the Ozark Mountain Chapter is the Color Guard. The Color Guard is composed of 12 Compatriots who participate in public events in uniform. Color Guard members wear a combination of uniforms representing uniforms worn by their respective ancestors and a variety of Minutemen and militia uniforms. Gerald McCoy was chosen as SAR National Colorguardsmen of the year while Ken Lawrence, Charles McMillan and Stephen Perkins have been chosen Missouri SAR Colorguardsmen of the Year. Members: J. Howard Fisk, Color Guard Commander. Stephen Perkins, Missouri SAR Commander. Gerald McCoy, Dan McMurray, Glen Gohr, Robert Grover, Ken Lawrence, Gary Gift, Daniel F. Piedlow, Jeff Patrick, Barrett Fisk, Jim Gift. Uniform Color Guard Compatriots participate at various wreath laying ceremonies, memorial services, parades and other official functions of the Ozark Mountain Chapter. Compatriots of the Color Guard also present historic presentations and have served as reenactors for several Revolutionary War Patriots. In addition to the Color Guard, we have a group of Compatriots who conduct a variety of Law Enforcement, Fire Safety, EMT Service, Life Saving, Heroism and other award ceremonies in a more modest blue blazer uniform. Click here for more information on Ozark Mountain Chapter Color Guard activities. Ozark Mountain Chapter Color Guard Activities The Color Guard of the Ozark Mountain Chapter has been active for a number of years. Most of our current members have been recognized by SAR National for their receiving the prestigious Silver Color Guard Medal. All members are members of the Missouri SAR Color Guard, under the direction of Missouri Color Guard Commander Stephen Perkins of the Ozark Mountain Chapter. The OMC Color Guard is proud to be the most decorated Color Guard in the Missouri SAR. The Missouri SAR Color Guard plans and participates in numerous events throughout the year. The Missouri SAR Color Guard is one of the best SAR Color Guard units in the Nation. We are always looking for more members to join our chapter color guard. And, even if you don't wish to be a participant, you are welcome to attend some of the events where the color guard is present. We would love to have your support! Contests and Recognition Programs For Youth
Ever since our chapter's founding in 1981, we have been involved in the Eagle Scout Program and the ROTC Program sponsored by the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Also in the last several years, we have promoted two different essay contests and an oration contest which are part of the National Society SAR program. To see which contests for youth and recognition programs the Ozark Mountain Chapter is involved with, please visit our Education Page. Other Activities
Our chapter has made a big showing at many of the MOSSAR Conventions. We have won awards for the Winona R. Yohe “Woman of the Year” Award, C. Lloyd Yohe Best Scrapbook Award, and for the Josiah Fogg Best Chapter Award several times. |
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